Capital gains, withdrew the amendment in the Milleproroghe

The government withdrew the text so as not to risk inadmissibility, but will continue on the issue with a “package” dedicated to sports matters on which Minister Abodi is working

No capital gains amendment in the Milleproroghe decree. The government withdrew the text in order not to risk inadmissibility, but as already emerged yesterday, another measure will still go ahead, presumably ad hoc, that is dedicated in particular to sports subjects. It could be that “package” on which the minister of sport Andrea Abodi has been working for some time and which should also include an anti-piracy squeeze, the right to bet with a percentage of the collection for the benefit of the organizer of the sporting event and the end the ban on sponsorships for betting companies.


Sources from the Ministry of Economy have however specified in the last few hours that the approach to the question will not change and that substantially the text will remain identical in the move to another legislative vehicle. The intervention on capital gains wanted in particular by the minister Giancarlo Giorgetti provides that the benefit of the tax spread on the income from capital gains is possible on an “asset” (in this case the footballer) in the club’s availability for at least three years and only on a capital gain cash, i.e. with the real passage of money and not with a simple exchange without circulation of money. Experts estimate that the law will still have a limited economic impact, while the deterrence value against the race for fictitious capital gains is clear. In any case, now it will be necessary to understand in which measure the reform will enter and with what other arguments it will be combined.
