Capital gains, Juve announces appeal: “Motivations, illogicality and groundlessness”

The Juventus club has confirmed its intention to appeal against the 15-point penalty. The note: “The validity of our reasons will be asserted with respect to the institutions but with firmness, we will oppose the Guarantee College within the established terms”

“The Company and the individuals will object with an appeal to the Coni Guarantee College within the established terms”. Having received the reasons from the Federal Court of Appeal, Juventus officialises the envisaged appeal with a note in which the reasons expressed by the Joint Sections are defined as “a document, predictable in terms of content, in the light of the weighty decision, but vitiated by obvious illogicality, lack of motivation and groundlessness in point of law”.

Firmness and respect

“Juventus Football Club and its legal team have carefully read and will analyze thoroughly the reasons, published a little while ago, of the decision of the United Sections of the Federal Court of Appeal”, says the official note from the Juventus club: “The validity of the Juventus’ reasons will be asserted firmly, albeit with the respect due to the institutions that issued it”.
