Capital Bra in the Wiki: The most important questions and answers

Capital Bra changed a lot in street rap – the enormous success followed the release of his first album KUKU BRA, which shot up to number 32 in the German charts thanks to its popularity in the Berlin underground scene. The rapper is now ubiquitous, because he is also on the supermarket shelves with his Capital Bra pizza and Capital Bra iced tea (bra tea). MUSIKEXPRESS has answered some of the most burning fan questions about the artist here.

What is the real name of Capital Bra?

Capital Bra was born Vladislav Balovatsky on November 23, 1994. It’s a Russian name because the musician is of Russian descent. Capi, as he is nicknamed, does not have German citizenship. So he recently hugged Angela Merkel’s figure in Madame Tussaud’s wax museum and said: “Ms. Merkel! We’ve gotten so close. Look, I’m standing over there. Now we’re both standing here. A German passport, just for me. Look at the back: all Germany! I am for Germany, I live in Germany, I am German! Please give me a German passport.”

Where does the name Capital Bra come from?

Fans also keep wondering what the stage name Capital Bra means. The musician himself explained this in a story as follows: “The expression Bratan comes from the Slavic world and means something like ‘brother’, only pronounced in street slang. The word ‘bra’ is just an abbreviation of the term and I personally came up with the idea of ​​calling myself Capital Bra because I’ve always wanted Capital. And since I see myself as the brother of everyone, apart from Nazi sympathizers, the bra suits me very well.”

Where is Capital Bra from?

Capital Bra was born in Siberia, but his roots are also in Ukraine. As a child, his family moved from Russia to Ukraine. At the age of seven he and his mother left the country and then lived in Berlin Hohenschönhausen.

How much money does Capital Bra have?

How much does Capital Bra make? Many fans are interested in this question, given the name and the successful marketing of his music and supermarket products. Little is known about Capital Bra’s fortune – the rapper is reluctant to make specific statements. Still, it is estimated that he owns €15 million. Music and other deals such as bra-tea and pizza are expected to add five million euros annually.

Where is Capital Bra signed?

Capital Bra founded his own label Bra Musik in February 2019. Shortly before, he had separated from Bushido’s Ersguterjunge label – he apparently didn’t like the fact that Bushido had requested police protection to protect himself and his family from possible attacks by the Abou Chaker clan.

Capital Bra and family – what is known?

Capital Bra is withholding details about his family to protect them. In a donation stream for Ukraine, however, he revealed: “I’ve been with a German woman for eight years now. We’ve known each other since we were twelve. She is my wife, she gave me three beautiful children. We’ve been engaged for eight years, I think we’re getting married soon.” The rapper has two sons and a daughter with the woman, whose name is unknown. He has already shown his children online.

How tall is Capital Bra?

Apparently, fans also find it exciting how tall their favorite musician is – at least the question appears more frequently on the internet. So here’s the answer: Allegedly, Capital Bra is said to have an average height of 1.79 meters.
