Cannes Film Festival: red carpet with a big belly for Michelle Williams

THEl 75th Cannes Film Festival closes with a “double” Michelle Williams: anti-heroin in Showing Up by Kelly Reichardt, last title in competition of the2022 editionand a star with a big belly on the red carpet. It is his first public appearance since has announced Variety that it is expecting a second child – after Hart, born two years ago – from her husband, director Thomas Kail. The star already has a sixteen-year-old daughter, Matilda, from Heath Ledger.

Michelle Williams with Kelly Reichardt in Cannes (photo Ansa).

Four times yes

With Showing Up Williams is in their fourth collaboration with Reichardt, after Wendy and Lucy (presented right on the Croisette in 2008), Meek’s Cutoff – Meek’s Path And Certain Women. “There aren’t too many ceremonies between us. Kelly usually sends me a text message: “I have something for you: are you there?”. And my answer is always yes without even reading a line of the script: it is such an honor to continue to accumulate experiences with her. Having been part of her work is one of the greatest contributions to cinematography I have made in my entire life, “she explained.

Michelle Williams in “Showing Up”.

Cult movie

This time the director, a cult for indie cinema fans, has entrusted her with the role of a sculptor in a story that overturns all the clichés of the “portrait of the artist as a young man”. We are in Portland, Oregon, in an alternative cultural environment: on the eve of her first exhibition, Lizzy – this is the name of the protagonist – is tormented not by anxiety about how she will be received, but by concern for a borderline brother, for a father. naive and boastful, for the relationship that is breaking with his best friend and even for the fate of a pigeon that he found in his bathroom at night and has a broken wing …

Spielberg’s “Mom”

“Money has never been a motivation for me: I’m interested in making an artistic contribution, ”Williams said, explaining her joy in acting in low-budget films like Showing Up. Without giving up on others: in November we will see it in The Fabelmansthe semi-autobiographical film by Steven Spielberg in which she plays the protagonist’s mother.

