Candlemas: February 2, 2022, meaning and proverbs

ORtoday, February 2, we celebrate the Candlemasa Christian celebration reminiscent of the presentation of Jesus to the Jerusalem Temple. In fact, according to the law of Moses, the firstborn of the Jewish people were considered offered to the Lord. Consequently, the parents had to “redeem” them by presenting them to the Temple and offering them as a sacrifice.

Candles, protagonists during the Candlemas (pixabay)

Furthermore, 40 days after birth it was expected to occur simultaneously the offering of the firstborn and the purification of the mother after childbirth. And so they did too Joseph and Mary, as we also read in the Gospel according to Luke. Hence the feast of February 2which falls 40 days after December 25, which celebrates the birth of Christ.

And the very name “Christ” – which means “light that illuminates the people”- is linked to this event: Simeon, recognizing the future in the still newborn Jesus Messiah, gave him this name during his presentation in the Temple. Not by chance in the liturgical celebration candles are blessed, from which the name “Candlemas” originates. The celebration, which also involves who is of Orthodox or Protestant faithin fact, he wants the faithful to bring their candles to the local church for the blessing and the next procession.

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Candlemas before Christ

But there are several celebrations related to light at this time of year, and many even existed in some pre-Christian religious traditions. Some scholars speculate that Christian Candlemas was introduced to replace a pre-existing holiday.

In the Celtic tradition it was celebrated, just today, the transition between winter and spring. Also in Roman timesthe Goddess Februa (or Juno) came celebrated in the so-called calends of Februaryor the first days of each month in the Roman calendar.

Groundhog day (and the proverb)

In pagan tradition, however, February 2 is called the Groundhog dayor Groundhog Dayand it is celebrated above all in the United States. Traditionally, the lair of the Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil. If the animal emerges and doesn’t see its shadow (why the weather is cloudy), tradition has it that L’winter it will end soon. If, on the contrary, he sees her (because she is one sunny day), he will get scared and it will return to its lair. Winter will then continue for another six weeks.

Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil with in Groundhog Club Inner Circle Members on February 1, 2021 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Jeff Swensen / Getty Images)

This tradition is linked to another popular proverb, which recites these words: “For the Holy Candlemas, if it snows or if winter plora we are forabut if it is sun or sun we are always in the middle of winter“. But there is also a contrasting version that says that if “it rains or the winter wind blows we are inside”. So are we in or out of winter in this 2022?

And it is the same principle as our beloved marmot: if it’s nice close to the Candlemasit takes that time it will tend to get worse. The problem, for those who believe in traditions, is to go around looking for a marmot den …



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