Candidates and parties that invested the most in the campaign

Union for the Homeland It is the force that invested the most money in social networks for the general election campaign. The check Union in networks closed his pattern with 57 million pesos according to data from Meta, the company that brings together Facebook and Instagram. And the profile of Unión por la patria, the official account of the electoral alliance, provided other 50 million pesos. Sergio Massa as a candidate added about $ 27 million further.

Third place on the podium was taken by Right to the future, account that promoted the re-election of Axel Kicillof as governor of the province of Buenos Aires with a balance of 40 million pesos

Juan Schiaretti governor of Córdoba and space candidate We do for our country He promoted his candidacy through two accounts: The vote that counts who spent more than 38 million pesos in networks, and We make our country that invested 18 million pesos also.

Javier Milei with 11 million pesos He was even behind the left front FITwhat destiny 14 million pesos to leverage Miryam Bregman and other references of the space, and Jorge Macri the candidate for head of the Buenos Aires government who invested 20 million. Patricia Bullrich while in his personal account he allocated just $2,166 million to the campaign.

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