Candidate from ‘Welcome to the family’ has to go to the emergency room: “It went wrong with the second tackle” | TV

“We started with the tackles and it went wrong with the second tackle. I wanted to go further, but I realized that it was no longer going to work,” says Carlo. The injury also turns out to be ugly, because the firefighter had to go straight to the emergency room.

Throughout the week, Carlo must try to gather details about Jonathan’s life. When he takes his two new sons to school, he takes the opportunity to put the kids on the grid. “He really tries to wait for the moment that we make one mistake and reveal something about daddy’s appearance and then it is of course done”, laughs son Staf. After school, the family also receives an unexpected visitor. “Suddenly there was a pippo in a Darth Vader suit in front of our door”, says Flor. It is up to Jonathan to guess which BV is hidden in that suit in order to collect extra money for the group pot. It will be clear in the final who will take that group spot. Will Carlo manage to pick the right Jonathan from a lineup of 5?
