Candidate for Britain’s prime minister Rishi Sunak will ‘China’s scandalous activities and ambitions’ hard to pack

“Genoeg is genoeg. For a long time there were politics in Groot-Brittannië and in the west of the country that lived in Germany and there were also close calls to China’s bad activities in ambiance”, says Sunak on days. “I’ll change it on that day from my premiership.”

Eerder had Sunaks tegenkandidaat Liz Truss, former country minister, accused him of a zwakke positie in te nemen tegenover China en Rusland.

One of the rules that Sunak says it is not for China is the conclusion of the Confucius Institute in Groot-Brittannië, which China’s army will do via culture and the program’s tests in the ovens. Also wil Sunak “China uit onze universiteiten schoppen” by instellingen voor hoger onderwijs te dwingen buitenlandse donaties van meer dan 50.000 pond (58.750 euro) openbaar te maken.

Sunak will also include the Britse inlichtingendienst MI5 inzetten om Chinese espionage tegen te gaan en een “NAVO-achtig” verbond opstellen om Chinese three went into cyberspace aan te pakken.
