Cancers and prevention: Mediterranean diet, 5 foods to count on

QCan what we eat reduce or, on the contrary, increase the possibility of getting cancer? Cancer has multiple causes, as we know, including genetic ones, sometimes random ones. We are broken by anxiety at the idea that accidents can occur by pure fate, yet it happens that an unfortunate fate decides for us.

Diet and cancer prevention: expert recommendations

However, scientists believe that many cases could be avoided by changing one’s diet. They have quite precise ideas on what to limit to lower the risk of cancer, such as red and processed meats, from cured meats to sausages, as well as ultra-processed products, with a long list of ingredients including fats, sugars and additives, such as alcohol and sugary drinks. While they have no certainties regarding the individual foods to focus on.

I talked about it at length with Lucilla Tittacoordinator of Smartfood program at the Ieo-European Institute of Oncologywhere the Revolution conference also dedicated to diet took place, in view of the World Cancer Daywhich is celebrated on February 4, with the support of the World Health Organization.

No food alone can prevent the diseasebut the composition of the Mediterranean diet yes. The table set for centuries on the edges of the Mare nostrum has a strong plant based and predicts cereals, vegetables, fresh and dried fruit with shell, legumes, extra virgin olive oil. Consumption of fish and dairy products is moderate, meat is low.

Five foods and food categories on which various clues converge can be served on this large tray: broccoli, tomatoes, nuts, legumes, berries. Even if they did not exert the anti-tumor function identified in the laboratory in the body, they would still protect health as a whole.


Vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage, from the cruciferousare sources of plant compounds that help our cells eliminate toxins and repair themselves: they can behave as a sort of pesticide that kills neoplastic cells. They are called glucosinolates And isothiocyanates and have been linked to the protection from several types of cancerincluding that of the prostate, breast, bladder and colorectal.

But the large cruciferous family should not be overlooked also because it gives folate (or vitamin B9). Hits a search (within the Epic studio), lasting 11 years, out of 31 thousand Italians between 36 and 64 years old: it emerged thatincreasing the consumption of all vegetables decreased the risk of developing breast cancer and that the greatest protection came from green leafy vegetablessupposedly due to the abundance of folate.

In a review of theWageningen University in the Netherlandssome investigations have been examined which would demonstrate how the regular consumption of cabbage and broccoli can lower the incidence of various types of cancer, including that of the breast. One of their substances, theindolewould seem to be a weapon against hormone-dependent tumors, altering the metabolism of estrogen.


Tomatoes would be unmissable on the men’s table. According to the preliminary results of epidemiological investigations, i.e. on populations, in countries where tomatoes are consumed in abundance, the incidence of prostate cancer is lower than elsewhere. It seems to be due in particular (but not only) to the abundant reserves of lycopene, the pigment that gives the red color and which has very powerful antioxidant activities. Although all tomatoes and tomato products contain it, it appears to have different effects depending on the preparation. The Global Cancer Research Fund reports a study by Loma Linda University Healthaccording to which there was no significant association between prostate cancer and consumption of raw tomatoes or tomato juice.

Research suggests that it is the cooked tomatoes (even canned) and seasoned with oil that play a significant rolebecause the bioavailability of lycopene is greater, we absorb more of it.

Beans and other types of legumes

Beans and other legumes are excellent sources of fiberconnected to prevention of colorectal cancer, the second most common type of cancer in Italy after breast cancer. The bacteria that populate the intestinal microbiota break down the fibers, obtaining a sort of fuel for the cells that line the colon. Properly nourished, they remain healthy and are less likely to turn into cancer cells. In general, the Consumption of legumes, from chickpeas to lentils, has been linked to the prevention of obesity, which is linked to several cancers.


Dried fruit is rich in unsaturated, “good” fats, proteins and fibre. Walnuts in particular contain high levels of plant compounds called ellagitannini, which are converted by our intestinal bacteria into metabolites capable of reducing the ability of cancer to grow and multiply in the digestive system.

Two – three nuts provide micronutrients as if they were a natural supplement, starting with omega-3s. In a massive study, published byHarvard Medical School in Boston in 2013, the eating habits and lifestyle of approximately 76 thousand women and 42 thousand men were analyzed for around thirty years. The results are surprising: Those who consumed nuts once a week had an 11 percent lower risk of mortality, and those who ate them every day had a 20 percent lower risk.


Berries could reduce blood sugar in the body inflammatory states, which always appear associated with the development of cancer. They would seem to be the protagonists abundant fibers and the anthocyanins, the compounds responsible for the blue, red and purple colors of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and currants. Studies also show that these phytocompounds could reduce some heart risk factorssuch as high blood pressure and the so-called bad cholesterol (LDL).

Raspberries possess ellagic acid, a phenol, studied for its ability to inhibit angiogenesis, the process that leads to the formation of blood vessels necessary for cancer cells to nourish and proliferate.

How to reduce the risk

Scientists believe that the Approximately 40 percent of cancers could be avoided by eliminating smoking, alcohol, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.
And it is now known that periodic checks should be carried out, for example ultrasound and mammography, because identifying and treating cancer in the bud, with what is called early diagnosis, brings a higher possibility of recovery.

Eliana Liotta (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

Eliana Liotta is a journalist, writer and science communicator. On and on the main platforms (Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcast and Google Podcast) you can find his podcast series The good that I want.


