Cancer: cases are increasing in the world, but so are survivors

Coffends more and more people, but the number of those who survive is also growing. The latest estimates on the global incidence of cancer, published ahead of World Cancer Day on Sunday 4 February, they talk about 20 million new cancer cases in 2022 and of 9.7 million deaths related to the disease.

Breast cancer, new technologies for prevention

cancer on the rise but also survivors (Getty Images)[/caption]

Cancer and its causes: tobacco, alcohol and pollution

In 2050, IARC estimates, 35 million new cases are expected. A 77% increase due to the aging and growth of the world population and increased exposure to risk factors. Tobacco, alcohol, obesity and pollution they are expected to be key factors in the future.

According to Cary Adams, head of theUnion for International Cancer Control«despite the progress made in the early diagnosis of tumors and in the treatment and care of cancer patients, Significant disparities exist in cancer treatment outcomes not only between high- and low-income regions of the world, but also within countries.”

Where a person lives should not determine their survival, adds Adams. «There are tools that allow governments to prioritize cancer care. And to guarantee everyone access to affordable, quality services. This is not just a question of resources, but a question of political will».

