Canceled Lindemann concert: Now there is a risk of claims for damages

After the concert was canceled, the question now arises as to who will cover the costs incurred.

Last week, the city of Kassel canceled the Till Lindemann concert at short notice and to the annoyance of the fans. The reason for this is said to have been that building law requirements were not met. The concert organizer “MM-Konzerte” denied any guilt and made allegations against the city. Accordingly, the requirements could not be met and the facility plan was processed with a delay. On the Nordhessen-Arena website, the organizer addressed questions and criticism and answered them in one go FAQ. He also announced that damage of almost 1 million euros had been caused.

It is currently unclear who will pay for the financial damage caused. According to their own statements, the concert organizer does not want to simply accept these costs. “It is obvious that those affected cannot accept this without at least considering the question of recourse. This audit has already been commissioned.” The Kassel town hall stated that claims for recourse against the city were unjustified.

The managing director Günther Maienschein of “MM-Konzerte” described the cooperation with the city as difficult overall.

Concert cancellation due to Lindemann discussion?

Head of the building department, Christof Nolda, told “HR”: “An event of this size needs a special permit.” In the case of the Lindemann concert, no permit could be granted after the assessment was completed because inspections by the fire department, security services and building supervision did not provide any security could guarantee.

At the same time, Nolda, head of the building department, rejected the accusation that the city had made its decision based on the allegations against Till Lindemann: “A building inspectorate takes care of safety and fire protection, not the content of concerts.”

Nordhessen-Arena fears damage to its image

Those responsible for the arena also see the canceled concert as a “huge damage to their image”. The hall, where ice hockey games usually take place, has just been renovated for 20 million. Construction work is still taking place at the moment, but more concerts are said to be planned for the future.

To the question in one own FAQ When asked whether the city sees the continued cooperation between the operators of the Nordhessen Arena and the organizers as strained, the city replied: “The concert cancellation is also regrettable from the city’s perspective. Regardless of this, the city will continue to support the plans to convert and expand the North Hesse Arena wherever it can. The measures and plans initiated by the operators represent a great opportunity for the Kassel location.”

On their website, those responsible for the arena respond to this answer and make it clear: “Based on current events, we cannot see in any way how a project of this size can be implemented (…), from an economic point of view, this project is complete madness. “

Discussions about Till Lindemann

There were allegations of sexual violence against the Rammstein singer in the summer. Several women contacted social networks and then various media outlets. Legally, Till Lindemann has nothing to fear because the Berlin public prosecutor’s office has stopped its investigation.
