Canadees recordbreaking bosbrandseizoen beëindigd: “5% of the total bosgebied went into flames op in 2023” | Wetenschap & Planet

Strong low temperatures raise the record-breaking bosbrandseizoen in Canada and they do just that. In total it is the same year over 18 million hectares of waste, which costs less than 5% of the total area of ​​Canada. The seizoen began to move, only one dimension and the previous maximum with a factor of 4. The koolstofuitstoot van de Bosbranden in Canada needs more than 400 megatons. How is he registered now with the country and the bosses who are branded?

In Canada, in 2023, there will be 6,600 acres of land, which will destroy 18.5 million hectares of land. There will be no more than a percentage of the total bosdom of Canada, and there will be no future in 2022. The country will be burnt in the same country as Belgium. Heel Canada is hit, with tienduizenden geëvacueerden and at least four omgekomen fire songs. With the influence of the coal, the brands are stopped.

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In Canada, 18 million hectares will be destroyed in 2023. © CIFFC

Most of the Bose ecosystems in Canada are connected to a brand in Bosbranden and are naturally based on the Levens cycle. In a normal year, the firewood has a new size, which reduces the size of the wood and makes the woodland beautiful, so that the bosses can complete the branding process through several processes for regeneration. Sommige boomsoorten hebben de hitte van een brand zelfs nodig om hun zaden vrij te geven, terwijl scheuten van bomen zoals populieren oprijzen uit smeulende bossen voordat na verloop van tijd de naaldbomen het overnemen.

In the past, the branding has never been done in more than 30 years in an area. There are now experts in the climate change of the natural cycle. With warmer air, the power from the ground and the trees were visible, and the sea was raised aft for better visibility. A recent study on the climate change can be extremely difficult for fires in Eastern Canada, with a loud frequency, serious and intense fire conditions that last for a long time. The brands can now be used in summer areas so that they can be pulverized and the living materials in the soil are destroyed by the need for the trees to grow large. Zaden krijgen never sea de kans om zich te regenerenen of young zaailingen can never be fully satisfied for his own zaadbank voordat a new brand toeslaat.

The coolant has enough power to change the climate

The boreal bos of Canada also functions as a fuel, with about 12 percent of the world’s land-based fuel reserves. The state is 36 years old and has enough water. The intense and large waves now come from CO2. Afgelopen zomer toont data from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service aan dat de koolstofuitstoot van de bosbranden in Canada meer dan 400 megaton bedroeg. Wetenschappers make it possible to create a feedback loop in the power supply. The uitgestoten koolstof uit the boreale bos dragt in aan klimaatverandering, waardoor de omstandigheden the suffering dead sea waves have been versneld.

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