Canada vermoedt betrokkenheid India bij moord op Canadese sikh-leider: “Onaanvaardbare schending soevereiniteit” | Buitenland

The Canadian authorities are men in the “geloofwaardige elements” wijzen op de Betrokkenheid van India bij de moord op en Sikh-unfortunately in June in the west of Canada. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was elected in parliament.

The doodschoten Hardeep Singh Nijjar was a Canadian citizen. “The betrokkenheid van elke buitenlandse overheid bij de moord op aen Canadese burger on Canadese ground, vormt an onaanvaardbare schending vanze soevereiniteit,” Aldus Trudeau. A hooggeplaatste Indian diplomat was sent away from Canada.

Trudeau asked the Indian government to take the work out of the clear. The last orders were made by the gangs from two lands on the other side of the pressure that came from the moor and the following bets. Ottawa schortte onderhandelingen over a vrijhandelsakkoord met India op.

India accuses the Canadese of overheid of the activities of radical nationalist Sikhs to the lates. They are striving towards their own independent state in the north of India.
