Can you tell if a picture is created by artificial intelligence or real? Only a real image expert gets 10/10

Artificial intelligence has quickly learned to only take more realistic photos. Distinguishing them from the real ones is getting more and more difficult.

Test how well you recognize images created by artificial intelligence from images taken by a real photographer. Midjourney / Iltalehti

Artificial intelligence has learned at breakneck speed to always only make more realistic-looking photos. The best artificial intelligence images are starting to be so high that they fool even professionals.

This happened, for example, in a recent photography competition, where the winner refused to accept the prize because he had actually taken the photo using artificial intelligence.

Iltalehti prepared a test where everyone can see for themselves whether they can distinguish pictures prepared by artificial intelligence from fences. The images selected for the test were created using Midjourney, an artificial intelligence-based image generator. A maximum of five minutes was used for each image.
