Can you still use last year’s sunscreen?

“Sunscreen creams, like other cosmetic products, have an open jar symbol on the packaging,” explains Jetske Ultee, a research doctor in cosmetic dermatology. “From the moment a product has been opened, the number of months next to the symbol serves as the best before date.”

Be careful

But, Ultee warns, that doesn’t mean the sunscreen is still doing its job. “The shelf life is about the risk of contamination of the product and about the stability of the cream. Not so much about the functioning of the filters, the effect of certain chemical filters decreases quickly.”


Ultee’s advice is therefore simple: “I recommend buying a new bottle of sunscreen every year just to be safe.” The chance of a reduced effect is extra great when heated and exposed to light. And if the bottle is still unopened in the drawer? Then you can start lubricating with peace of mind. “A closed product has a shelf life of at least 30 months.”

A weird color

The Consumers’ Association also did research to the expiration dates of sunscreen products. They do not agree with Ultee that it is better to buy a new bottle of sunscreen every year. Their research shows that sunscreens offer an equally high protection factor a year later. But, they warn, if the product smells bad, has an odd color or doesn’t mix after shaking, throw it away.

Apply more often

If you want to be sure that the factor stated on the packaging is still correct, it is better to buy a new bottle of sunscreen. But much won’t reduce the sun protection factor, so does last year’s sunscreen still smell and smell great? Then you can still use it. But in that case, just apply a little more often to prevent burning.

Lying in the sun too long and still burned? This solution will help you out of the ‘fire’.

Image: iStock

March 30, 2021
