Can you cook the noodles correctly? We found out at which stage the spices should really be added

The instant noodles are ready in no time, but at what point should the spice bags be added?

The broth of instant noodles is also meant to be eaten. Adobe Stock/AOP

Instant noodles are real fast food, because they are prepared in just a few minutes. But how should bag noodles, which contain not only noodles but also spices, be prepared? The topic has sparked debate on social media.

Some of those who cook noodles are of the opinion that the spices should be added at the very beginning, while others insist that the spices should only be added when the noodles are cooked and the cooking water has been drained.

But how is it really? We asked about it from Kesko, which sells Pirkka brand bag noodles in several different flavors.

Kesko says that its product development kitchen always tests the functionality of the manufacturer’s instructions and modifies the instructions if necessary. In the case of these noodles, the instructions given by the manufacturer have been effective and the end result is good in taste, which is why the bag contains the manufacturer’s original instructions.

– During preparation, you should add all the spices to the water right away with the noodles. This way you get the most flavor in the noodles and broth. The flavors also have time to balance better while the noodles swell. In Pirkka noodles, it is assumed that the broth is also eaten with the noodles, says product development.

The manufacturing instructions found in the bag, which have been found to work, read as follows:

1. Empty the noodle and seasoning bag into a bowl.

2. Pour over 3.2 dl of boiling water and simmer under the lid for 3 minutes.

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So you should never cook the noodles in plenty of water, but add the amount of water indicated on the package, so that the broth becomes suitably tasty.
