Can Paul de Leeuw pack? ‘He hasn’t been this nice for years’

It is unprecedented how hard Paul de Leeuw is being tackled because he is currently making a bad program. He is now being hit again with Angela de Jong’s remote control.

© Annemieke van der Togt

Paul de Leeuw is currently on the channel with Hotel Hollandia, in which his conversations with guests are alternated with mediocre imitations and cabaret. And all this in the setting of a hotel. After the first episode, most people dropped out. That show was so bad that Angela de Jong wrote her most ruthless column in a long time.

Crazy bad

We are now three episodes in total and Angela is still not enthusiastic, she let us know AD Media podcast. She doesn’t even want to talk about it, she thinks it’s so bad. “Yes, do we really seriously need to say anything about it? It was just really bizarrely bad.”

Her right-hand man Marcus den Blanken agrees. He doesn’t really want to waste any more words about it either. “We have said about the first two broadcasts what we can also say about the third.”


According to Angela, the guest list is becoming increasingly tired. She points to Olof from B&B Vol Liefde. “I think I’ve seen that man in every program now. This week he was at RTL Boulevard with his new girlfriend. Then I thought: oh, that’s nice, he’s proposing to her. And two days later he was there again with his new girlfriend.”

Olof is exhausting, says Angela. “That man obviously wants to win votes and he enjoys his fame. I’m getting a little tired of it. But I think it also shows that they are having a lot of trouble getting guests there. So yes, who is going to lie there on that treatment table in that program?”

Not fun at all

Can Angela still allow Paul to be on TV? Well, not actually. “Experience has shown that everything he has done in recent years, except Not Small and those Sint shows, (starts whispering, ed.) that it was actually not all that fun.”

You notice that Paul is no longer quite himself, she concludes. “Paul is very much dependent on his old success and that is actually no longer fun. Also because he is very much in a dilemma: I used to do everything and now I am aware that I can no longer do everything and I also really want to be considered politically correct.”
