Can more money and social workers help problem neighborhoods?

Leopoldplatz in Wedding is a dealer hotspot and meeting place for the hard drug scene.  Violence and open consumption on the streets occur again and again

Leopoldplatz in Wedding is a dealer hotspot and meeting place for the hard drug scene. Violence and open consumption on the streets occur again and again Photo: Michael Körner

From the BZ editorial team

Leopoldplatz in Wedding, Görlitzer Park in Kreuzberg – places in Berlin that have become increasingly neglected and spaces of fear for years. Can that change again?

In the previous survey we wanted to know whether Berlin needed a real water park again. Absolutely, say 65 percent (2417). 20 percent (763) don’t care. 15 percent (547) think that there are enough fun pools in the surrounding area.


BZ survey Drugs Drug crime Görlitzer Park Survey
