Can I say anything more? Actors Niina Lahtinen and Joonas Nordman answer the hot question

Niina Lahtinen and Joonas Nordman reflect on the atmosphere around entertainment programs.

Niina Lahtinen and Joonas Nordman are starring in the new Hayhattu ja Vilttitsusu: Kana movie. Karoliina Simoinen

Actors Niina Lahtinen and Joonas Nordman are acting in the new Hay hat and Felt slipper: Chicken – the father and mother of the family in the film.

Actors known for their high-spirited humor and snarky jokes say that it’s easy to throw yourself into the roles and the childlike world, but off-camera, on the set, there can be slip-ups.

– The director has many times been to the point that now! Not such things now. Mainly for Kris! Not for us, Lahtinen says.

– We are at the other end here, Nordman laughs.

Lahtinen appeared on a political satire program in the spring A rough weeknight. Nordman piloted last year Roast– program, where the idea was to tell jokes about other participants. Both programs include dirty humor and harsh insults.

In recent years, a hot phrase has been circulating in the social debate: Can I say anything anymore? From the point of view of people in the entertainment industry, Lahtinen and Nordman are of the opinion that it is allowed to say, but within certain limits.

– Maybe if you can somehow justify its rudeness or rudeness, why you can say that. It’s a bit difficult when you feel like you should always only hit upwards. But at the end of the day, it’s that kind of spine-tingling feeling of, is this okay.

– You can say everything, but it’s a different matter whether it’s worth saying everything. Of course Even in roast in a way, we act against that idea, when you can specifically say everything in it. That’s where the word is free and that’s where we get rid of that fear, Nordman reflects.

Lahtinen says that the good thing about these two programs is that they are not direct. Everything can be cut afterwards.

– I sent, for example A rough weeknight all the jokes to the director in advance, so that he can say no to that. He was always for everything, just let it go.

– Many times, when listening to Lindström’s monologues, I’ve been like, wow, you can’t say that! That’s really awful! But that’s why I think that program is the best, because that’s why it’s entertaining, says Lahtinen.

Niina Lahtinen and Joonas Nordman spend the summer busy with work. Karoliina Simoinen


Lahtinen and Nordman originally met at Yle in 2011, from where the friendship has continued until these days. One of the best aspects of being an actor is that there are often acquaintances and friends on set, as the circles in the industry are so small.

– We have a lot of fun together, so it’s always nice to come to the set together, Lahtinen says.

– From the point of view of this film, it is even exceptional that the cast is somehow composed of both work and friends. You and Janne know each other from Riihimäki. I’ve made friends too Jannen with. Piro, Nina and Chris have been In Siskonpedi. It’s nice, says Nordman.

Acting is very social and the days can be long, which is why they both make sure they take breaks alone as well. In Nordman’s opinion, it is also nice to spend time even if there are no colleagues nearby.

– Sometimes there is such a social pressure that even lunch breaks have to be spent together, Lahtinen and Nordman laugh.

Lahtinen and Nordman, who play the couple, say that a good spirit together is important on the set. Nordman says that in Finland, for example, they know how to make sure that actors who are in conflict with each other do not have to play spouses, for example. He has read various cases from around the world about actors.

– For example, Mulder and Skully had that wonderful tension and deep friendship that fans love, but really those actors didn’t really like each other. They then managed to act out that chemistry, says Nordman, referring to the television series Secret files.

Niina Lahtinen is also from Putou.
