Can I cycle with the child on the sidewalk?

Cycling escort: Small children up to a certain age may be flanked on the sidewalk by a cycling escort

Cycling escort: Small children up to a certain age may be flanked on the sidewalk by a cycling escort Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentralbild

From BZ/dpa

No matter whether on the way to daycare or to school. Many smaller children often cycle along such paths. But are adult cyclists allowed to accompany them on the sidewalk?

Children still have to ride their bikes on the sidewalk up to their eighth birthday. If you want to accompany them there by bike, you can.

According to the law, an accompanying person is permitted for children under eight years of age, according to the testing company GTÜ with reference to the Road Traffic Act (StVO). It is therefore particularly suitable for those who are at least 16 years old.

However, only this one accompaniment is allowed. Pedestrians must not be obstructed or endangered – and when crossing the road, the person accompanying them must also dismount.

For example, if parents want to ride together or with another older child, they have to separate and ride on the road or cycle path accordingly.

Children over the age of ten are no longer allowed to ride on the sidewalk

Children up to the age of eight must ride on the sidewalk. They have to be considerate of pedestrians and dismount and push if they want to cross a street.

Up until their tenth birthday, they have a choice: stay on the sidewalk or take the road or cycle path.

From the age of ten years, the sidewalk for driving is no longer allowed – the adult rules apply.


Children’s guide: car, bike and traffic
