Can farmers remain active in our nature reserves and how? That is what the provinces want to know | NOW

Do two out of three farmers have to leave the nature reserves between Nieuwkoop, Driebruggen and Krimpenerwaard or can they remain active there?

The provinces of South Holland and Utrecht are particularly concerned with this question when it comes to the Green Heart. This is evident from their response to the nitrogen reduction plans by ministers Christianne van der Wal and Henk Staghouwer.

In many parts of the Netherlands, at least half the nitrogen must be emitted, but for the nature reserves in the Groene Hart that percentage rises to 95 percent† This raises the necessary questions for deputies Jeannette Baljeu and Meindert Stolk (South Holland) and Mirjam Sterk (Utrecht).

In her letter to provincial councils, Baljeu writes that she is ‘surprised’ by this percentage for the Netherlands Nature Network. This NNN area runs from the Bovenlanden near Wilnis, the Nieuwkoopse Plassen and Bodegraven-North to the Reeuwijkse Plassen, the polders around Het Beijersche and the Loetbos.

This also raises questions for Commissioner Sterk. She is curious about how the central government will deal with the NNN and to what extent these areas should be included in the major nitrogen approach of other areas.

Both state that they will continue discussions with the farmers and interest groups involved in these areas. This is how it is for the Nieuwkoopse Plassen an area plan in preparation for some time† As far as Baljeu is concerned, those conversations continue.

Her colleague Stolk emphasizes in his letter to the states that these conversations should show how feasible everything actually is. In his opinion, the nitrogen reduction must go hand in hand with ‘shaping sustainable and vital agriculture’ in the province.

That is also a top priority for Utrecht deputy Sterk. “We realize that the message has hit many farmers hard. We want to work with them on a sustainable future for rural areas.”
