Campers with disabilities set up the tents together | 1Limburg

Dozens of disabled campers from all over the country are camping this weekend at the Beringerzand campsite in Panningen during the so-called Handicamp.

The campers exchange experiences about what it is like to camp for people with a physical disability.

Plenty of ideas and solutions are discussed that other campers can learn from. Camper Wil Visser, for example, has built a lift for his motor home to bring his son’s wheelchair inside.

Other campers are interested in the construction. “People do come and get a story,” says his wife Miranda.

‘Only one life’
A limitation does not prevent Jan Hoedemakers present from continuing to travel. “You only have one life and we don’t know when it will end. As long as it’s going well, you should enjoy it.”

The event is taking place for the 35th time. The campers will be present in Panningen until Sunday.
