Camp Westerbork Remembrance Center puts part of the archive online: still 35,000 letters to go

Since today, visitors to the Camp Westerbork Remembrance Center can take a look at the archives. Approximately ten to fifteen percent of the current collection will be placed online and must be accessible to everyone. It is the first time that the memorial center has made this information public in this way.

Curator Guido Abuys is busy with it. He manually walks through the entire collection that has been built up since the 1980s. All errors are removed, dates and names are carefully checked and everything is then entered into the system under the correct keywords and descriptions.

“We now have between five and six thousand objects ready to put online,” he says. “Think of postcards, letters, documents, objects and photos. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.”

The objects are provided with a description. And it must be quite extensive, because unlike before, the information must also be able to be found by non-conservators. To give an example, Abuys includes two postcards written from Camp Westerbork. He studied them last week and processed them online. “These are the only two postcards this family wrote from Camp Westerbork,” says Abuys.

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