Cameras at hangouts in Annen against destructive youth

The municipality of Aa en Hunze will install security cameras in places in Annen where loitering youth cause a nuisance. In addition, the police will patrol the village more often and a youth worker will talk to the youth.

This is the outcome of a conversation between the municipality, the local police officer and the Annen village interest group. The measures are intended to put an end to the destruction caused in the village.

The village interest group and volunteers of VV Annen have had enough of the destructiveness of – according to the residents – groups of loitering youth. The stands and billboards of the football club and playground equipment near the village hall, among others, have fallen victim to vandals in the past six months. According to residents, a lot of drugs are also dealt there.

Repairing the destroyed items costs both the football club and the village interest group a lot of money. For a solution, residents mainly look to the police and the municipality.

“Young people are allowed to come together, that is no problem,” says a spokesperson for the municipality, but “what bothers people is the destruction. That is of course not appropriate.”

The municipality is now looking at where exactly the cameras will be placed, but it is obvious that they will be in the area between the football fields and the primary school. According to village interests, young people often hang out there. Warning and prohibition signs will be placed around the school.

The Annen village interest group is pleased that action is now being taken. “It is nice that the problem is now on the map. We have agreed with the municipality and the police to see whether the measures work in the near future,” says village interest member Marisca Luning.

In response, the police say that they cannot yet link the vandalism to youth loitering, but do want to continue discussions with residents. To get an idea of ​​the destruction, the police say it is important that people report it.
