Camera in urethra Marc-Marie Huijbregts: ‘This is a horror film’

Marc-Marie Huijbregts has had a horrible medical experience. A doctor has penetrated his urethra with a camera to make recordings. “It was a horror movie.”


A long tube with a small camera was passed through Marc-Marie Huijbregts’ urethra to investigate a medical problem. It was horrible, responds the comedian in his podcast Marc-Marie & Aaf Find Something† “I had to allow that at the time, because maybe there was something very serious.”

Horror movie

The doctors wanted to look at Marc-Marie’s prostate. “At one point I said: ‘This just looks like a horror movie!’ I lay in those scaffolding with my legs apart with such a green cloth, but then the penis free. And then I had to put a camera in my dick and he’d also say, ‘No, but this is numbing gel.’”

That numbing gel was supposed to ease the discomfort. “Yes, I think that’s like magic balls, like: yes, do you believe it yourself, ‘narcotic gel’?! Yes, it just really hurts. Plus: he put that gel on the tip of that camera, but that camera went in of course. It is not the case that he puts that gel in beforehand and that the camera can then reach it.”

dick gel

How exactly did it go with that gel and that camera? “He gave that gel to the cameraman and he had to put it right on the camera while he put it in the dick. I said, “This is like a horror movie.” He was so above me like, ‘Hahaha!’ Like the two of you. It really looked like a horror movie. Terrible.”

Fortunately there was nothing serious. “It was a blood vessel near the bladder. It had broken and because of that there was blood in the urine. Of course they thought: this is when treatment no longer makes sense! But that was not it.”


Because of these kinds of investigations, Marc-Marie experiences an enormous barrier to going to the doctor. “What I often have… Well, often have… What I’ve also had is that I said to the GP: ‘I’m going to say that I have something, but I don’t want an examination for it.’ Then I am always afraid…”

“Then I think: then he must know by heart what is there. That he just says, ‘That’s that or that or that’, but I don’t want any nasty investigations.”


Incidentally, Marc-Marie was in the news yesterday because Birgit Schuurman ridiculed his voice. She has since apologized for that:
