Cameos by Lizzo, Jack Black and Christopher Lloyd





In episode 6 of The Mandalorian (Guns for Hire, Season 3), Bo-Katan (Katee Sackhoff) and Mando (Pedro Pascal) arrive at Plazir-15. What surprises fans the most about this episode, though, is the guest appearances of Jack Black, Lizzo and Christopher Lloyd in the Star Wars universe. Black plays Captain Bombardier, Lizzo the Duchess and Lloyd plays Inspector Helgait.

Screenshot, Twitter, “TheAtomReview”

Captain, Commissioner and Duchess on Plazir-15 Episode Content

Arriving in the luxurious world of Plazir-15, Mando and Bo-Katan are taken to meet the planet’s rulers. The most important ruler is the Duchess (Lizzo). Her family used to rule when Plazir-15 was still a monarchy. But as times changed, she felt her planet and its governing body needed to change as well. Then she met Captain Bombardier (Jack Black) and fell in love with him. Also on Plazir-15 is Commissioner Helgait, who decades earlier was a staunch Separatist there, supporting Count Dooku and seeing the Republic and Jedi as the true enemy of the galaxy.

“What are they doing here?!”

Lizzo, Jack Black and Christopher Lloyd are – according to the majority of users on the social media platforms – wonderful additions to the Star Wars universe. Some Twitter users also explained their displeasure with the star cast, for example with the words “What are you doing to us and Star Wars, what are they doing here?!”.

New episodes of The Mandalorian air every Wednesday on Disney+.

Screenshot, Twitter, “TheAtomReview”




