Camelia: the meaning of the flower

Andbinder, perfectly geometric, very rich in meaning, illuminates the garden in early spring (and in the Sasanqua variant in early autumn): camellia is among the most refined flowers and in their language represents perfect beauty and when given as a gift it is a sign of esteem. Of oriental origin, in Chinese and Japanese culture it is a symbol of eternal love and the devotion of the two lovers. This is why it is among the most loved flowers at weddings.

Camelia, the symbols behind the refined flower

Not only a symbol of refinement, in Chinese culture, camellia also represents perfection and expresses a lasting sentimental attachment and the idea of ​​the woman’s total trust in man. Unusually, in fact, in the camellia the petals and the chalice are one and when the plant withers they fall together, therefore a symbol of perfect union. Not surprisingly in Korea, where it has the same romantic meaning, is chosen for wedding bouquets. In Japan, where the Camellia Japonica, also called Rose of Japan, is widespread, it is appreciated because, opening in late winter, it colors the colder season.

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Full of meanings, Camellia hides a different message also depending on the color chosen: the pink one represents nostalgia and the desire to meet again, the red one tells of a passionate heart while the white one is a symbol of affection, even parental.

How to keep the camellia?

There are three main types of camellia: Camellia Sinensis o Camelia del Tè, endemic to China; the Camelia Japonica, plant with a very varied flower, formed by a minimum of five petals which, in addition to the traditional colors, can also be mottled. And the Camelia Sasanquanative to both China and Japan and flowering in autumn and winter.

Lover of cold and ventilated environments, its ideal climate is rather cloudy and with abundant rainfall with a temperature between 8 ° C and 12 ° C but it also resists down to -15 ° C, the hot season in the city is not ideal for this flower. For this reason it must never be exposed directly to the sun but in partial shade and in the pot the soil should include peat, woodland and leaves.

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However, it also adapts very well to apartment life as long as the soil is always moist. In fact, watering is fundamental, which must be frequent but without stagnation of water and must also include the leaves, to be wetted at least twice a week with limestone-free water.

From the plant to the oil, the properties

Beautiful and full of meanings but also of nourishing properties, it is no coincidence that camellia oil has been known and used since ancient times on a cosmetic level as an eternal source of youth, a beauty secret for example of geishas. Obtained from pressed seeds, camellia oil is rich in active substances, anti-aging allies against skin aging, which also favor the brightness of the hair.

The plant is rich in vitamin A, which stimulates the production of collagen, vitamins C, D and E. Also of polyphenols, linoleic and palmitic acids that they eat moisturize the epidermis and hair, as well as protect them from exposure to UV rays. Not only beautiful to look at, camellia also gives beauty.

