Cambray announces changes in the FP enrollment process after the chaos of recent years

  • The ‘councillor’ guarantees that the course that comes “for the first time” the students will know in time what place they have and will be able to start classes on the first day

  • 4th ESO students from adult schools will have the same pre-registration priority as those who come from ordinary school

Josep González-Cambray has announced this Monday in parliamentary headquarters future changes in the enrollment process of the Vocational training, after the disaster of the last few years. This last course, without going any further, and despite the advancement of the calendar, more than 20,000 young people had to wait for a place to be assigned until the end of the process and they could not start classes until past September 21.

After understandable criticism coming from all quarters –families, unions, teachers and students– the Minister of Education explained that the 23-24 academic year “for the first time, All FP students in the ordinary enrollment process will know their place before starting the course and will start classes on the first day“. A premise that might sound like a question of minimums, but with the current system not guaranteed. When last February, Cambray announced the advancement of the school year to September 7, from the FP world they already warned that this was going to be impossible.

“The Department has been working since the end of summer to advance in the introduction of improvements that allow shorten the entire procedure as much as possible and at the same time avoid duplication in FP pre-registrations“, pointed out Cambray, who added that “with this measure the Department wants to ensure that the centers can start the course with the registration process closed and in this way facilitate the start of the course as much as possible”. “In the same way, students and their families will have more peace of mind because of the security of knowing in which center they have the assigned place“, has added.

in the eyes of Lidon Gasull, director of the Affac, shortening the procedure is an obvious improvement -in fact it was something that they had been requesting for a long time-, but be aware that “The solution cannot be to be more inflexible.” “What needs to be streamlined is the bureaucracy. The boys in April cannot be clear about what they will do next year. The solution cannot be to make them choose so soon,” warns the representative of the families.

“Nonsense” solved

The ‘councillor’ has also advanced that “for the next academic year, all the students who are studying in person 4th ESO in adult schools will have priority access to middle grades“, another of the demands of professionals, families and unions. With this change, these students will have the same consideration, with a view to pre-registration, as the 4th ESO students of the ordinary school.

The ‘councillor’ has indicated that this measure “is born from an agreement with the country’s adult centers to guarantee the educational continuity of these students, thus avoiding school dropout.”

A demanded and drawer measure, underlines Jesús Martín, UGT FP manager: “It is acceptable that a person who returns to the educational system in this case, graduated in ESO, The formative progression cannot be cut short. It was nonsense that they were not guaranteed a place. In higher level training cycles there should be no access restrictions, no one has to be excluded due to age, origin or gender. It was a shame that someone who had been told to study and train would not have the option of a FP position later.”

“Improve targeting”

Related news

Another of the issues that the ‘councillor’ has spoken about in the Parliamentary Education commission is the need to improve student orientation. “Better guidance for young people, especially at the earliest ages, should allow students to be accompanied during their educational trajectory and at the same time reduce early school leaving. Improved guidance will mean access to auA wide itinerary with different possibilities according to your intereststhe demands for employment, the offer of education in the territories and especially based on the prospective needs”, has reported chambraywho has stated that the Department is working on a Guidance Decree.

Accompanying the Guidance Decree, the ‘minister’ has cited other measures such as a training plan for teachers in educational guidance and tutorial action, the OrientaFP program or the Orienta’t Space of the Saló de l’Ensenyament.
