Call: who has the longest sunflower in Zoetermeer?

Everywhere through the city we see beautiful sunflowers in beds and gardens. One even longer than the other. That’s why we came up with a playful competition: who in Zoetermeer has the longest sunflower?

With a little attention, love, enough water, sunshine and possibly fertilizer you make it as ideal as possible for your sunflowers to reach as high as possible into the sky

Largest sunflower in the world

The record for the largest sunflower ever is held by a German. With a height of 9.17 meters. Yes say that, wow! The golden tricks of this record holder: using seeds from last year’s largest flowers, fertilizing with shredded potatoes and good support.

This is how you participate

Do you think your sunflower is the tallest in Zoetermeer? Then we would of course love to know. Send your picture before Sunday 7 August nasty [email protected] and write in your mail what the length of the sunflower is. If you have the longest sunflower, we will of course come by to take a look and measure the stem. Of course we will write a nice story about it and you can take all the credit. Good luck!

Sunflowers in Zoetermeer. Photo: near Zoetermeer
