Call: which Zoetermeer resident do you think deserves a compliment?

‘What a beautiful garden neighbor! How good it suits you, colleague!’ March 1 is National Compliments Day: a great moment to put a fellow citizen in the spotlight. Which Zoetermeer resident do you think deserves a compliment?

Is your neighbor always ready to take care of the plants when you are on holiday? Is it the bicycle repairman who often fixes your tire, or is it perhaps your partner who deserves a compliment? Let us know!

Compliment plus photo

Send us which fellow citizen deserves a compliment and we will make a nice list of them. We would like to hear who it is, why he/she deserves a compliment and send us a photo of the person in question. Send this to [email protected] and we bundle all the compliments in one article. If you do this, you also deserve a compliment: nice job!

National Compliment Day is a Dutch initiative that has been held annually since March 1, 2003. This day is now celebrated in many places around the world under the following names: World Compliment Day! The most positive day in the world! (Source:

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