Call to parents: update your childcare allowance details no later than April 30, 2022 | news item

News item | 28-02-2022 | 09:50

Parents who received childcare allowance during the last closing period of out-of-school care (between 21 December 2021 and 9 January 2022) and who continued to pay the personal contribution during this period will receive an allowance from the government.

The amount of the allowance will be determined on 1 May 2022 on the basis of the childcare allowance data. Until April 30, 2022, parents can update their childcare allowance data with the Tax Authorities/Supplementary Benefits, so that the allowance is in line with what they have paid in personal contribution. Parents are expected to receive this allowance automatically on their current account by mid-2022.

Parents who make use of out-of-school care (BSO) through the municipality can apply to their municipality for the allowance. Parents who use the out-of-school care without government reimbursement will receive more information about the allowance as soon as possible via

Additional allowance for the first two closures of childcare

A group of parents has received too low an allowance for continuing to pay the personal contribution during the first and/or second closure of the childcare. These parents receive an additional allowance. Eligible parents do not need to submit an application either. It is important, however, that parents update their childcare allowance data for the years 2021 and 2022. The deadline for this is also 30 April. The additional allowance is then automatically deposited into the payment account. The exact payment dates will be announced as soon as possible on
