‘Call to action’ responsible use of AI in the military domain | News item

News item | 16-02-2023 | 4:25 pm

Government representatives during the REAIM summit agreed to a jointcall-to-action on the responsible development, application and use of artificial intelligence in the military domain. The two-day meeting was organized at the World Forum in The Hague by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defence. South Korea was co-host.

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Image: ©Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Phil Nijhuis

Around 2,000 participants from all over the world, from governments, the business community, civil society, academia and think tanks, gathered here. With the jointcall-to-action (see appendix CtA and country list) countries and stakeholders underline the need to ensure the responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI) higher on the political agenda and to further stimulate initiatives that contribute to this.

Establishment of ‘global commission AI’

There comes a global commission AI to promote mutual awareness worldwide, to clarify what is meant by AI in the military domain and to determine how to achieve its responsible development, production and application. The committee will also describe the conditions under which the management of AI can best be arranged.

Host Minister Wopke Hoekstra (Foreign Affairs): “With this REAIM summit, we have clearly highlighted the urgency of this subject. It is now time to take further steps. I am pleased that we have reached agreement on this. The Netherlands will continue to be a driving force in reaching international agreements on this subject.”

Hostess Minister Kajsa Ollongren (Defense): “AI is of great importance for the armed forces of the future. By using AI within the right frameworks and regulations, we make our operational and logistical processes easier and more efficient. In addition, AI enables us to make faster and more informed decisions. In this way we not only protect our own soldiers, but we can also limit damage and casualties as much as possible. To ensure that we use AI in a responsible manner, we will continue to work closely with partners within existing alliances such as the EU and NATO, as well as with NGOs, think tanks, educational and knowledge institutions and the business community. In doing so, we invest in our freedom.”

South Korea was the co-host of the REAIM summit. Like the Netherlands, South Korea actively encourages countries to discuss the responsible use of AI in the military domain. This also led to the worldwide contribution of participants and government representatives to this REAIM summit.

Diverse program during REAIM summit

Leading experts on AI in the military domain spoke at the REAIM summit. The program was richly filled with break-out sessions, workshops, interviews, talk shows, an academic forum and a student hub. In the ‘Responsible Innovation Hub’ companies showcased their products and responsible innovation.
