Call States: step up to get rid of Russian gas | 1Limburg

The Limburg Parliament believes that the provincial government should step up to allow fewer households and companies to run on Russian gas.

It adopted a motion by D66 about this by 26 against 18 votes.

“It is a dot on the horizon. We must prevent part of the energy bill from going to Russia as soon as possible,” said D66 member of parliament Hans van Wageningen. According to the motion, the provincial government must give priority to projects that the Russian rulers cannot benefit from and thus cannot finance the invasion of Ukraine.

As alternatives for heating homes and workplaces with gas, residual heat from industry is mentioned, just like geothermal energy, mine water, green gas and heat pumps.

PVV, Forum for Democracy, SVL and VVD voted against the motion. Member of parliament Leon Bastiaans of the VVD thought that the motion looked ‘really beautiful’. But because nuclear energy is not mentioned as an alternative, his group voted against it. The votes in favor therefore came from petitioner D66, the CDA, GroenLinks, SP, PvdA, Lokaal-Limburg, Party for the Animals and 50Plus.

Deputy Maarten van Gaans (D66) was positive about the motion and saw it as an encouragement and support for the policy of the province. “With every euro of Russian gas we pay for Putin’s war machine,” says Van Gaans.
