Daily money comparison – this is how we tested it
In our call money test, we compared the most important offers from banks, savings banks and direct banks. Above all, we rated the level of interest positively in our call money comparison. Our test result also included how easy it is to open an account, for example. Direct banks in particular are a few steps ahead of branch banks in this respect. This also applies to using the account: checking the account balance, transferring amounts from the reference account to the call money account and vice versa – generally no problem.
In the hunt for the highest interest rates, accurate comparisons are essential. As already mentioned, it is important to distinguish how high the interest is for new customers and existing customers, how long the interest is guaranteed and how often the compound interest effect has an effect, i.e. how often interest is credited.
Customers who have been with a bank for a long time (usually) do not receive any promotional interest and are of course excluded from new customer bonuses. You get the (usually lower) interest rate for existing customers. With some banks, however, the interest rates for existing customers are also worth a look, often with these providers there are permanently good interest rates. However, there is no guarantee for this, you should always keep that in mind: The bank can change the interest rate (without an interest guarantee) on a daily basis.
The test conditions
So that you can keep track of the overnight money accounts with the highest interest rates, we have selected the most sustainable offers for you. This means that we did not include any teaser offers, new customer offers or limited-time offers in our test. We have excluded overnight money offers that have to be concluded via interest rate portals such as weltsparen.de or zinspilot.de from our overnight money comparison. We have marked offers from banks located outside the euro area separately. The reason: The deposit guarantee can be below the 100,000 euros guaranteed in the euro zone due to the exchange rate between the national currency and the euro.
Important: In our overnight money comparison, we only included banks that offer an overnight money account without any additional fees.