Call from an Amsterdam mosque: ‘Report Mikkers’

The chairman of a mosque in Amsterdam calls on his mosque goers to report the crime against Den Bosch mayor Jack Mikkers. He insulted the Moroccan community at a residents’ meeting on Wednesday evening, by saying that Moroccans are at the top when it comes to nuisance.

Mohamed Atrar, chairman of the Al Houda mosque in Amsterdam, wants to file a collective complaint against the mayor of Den Bosch with his mosque goers. Anyone who wants to can join. The report is filed at a police station in Amsterdam, next to the mosque.

“The statements that the mayor of Den Bosch made about Moroccans have caused a lot of controversy. Today we can file a collective report. The report is ready, you just have to walk into the police station and sign the report. The police are known with our arrival,” reads a message distributed by Atrar.

“We ask everyone to use their voice and come and report it. We say ‘no’ to racism and discrimination.”

At two o’clock, immediately after afternoon prayers, a group goes to the police station in Amsterdam, Atrar says.

Statements at residents’ meeting
At a residents’ meeting in Den Bosch on Wednesday evening, a woman railed against asylum seekers from Syria. “Those are the worst there are, the worst in the whole world. And they then push them here with us,” she says.

She then indicates that, in her opinion, people who need help should receive it. “But Syrians don’t need help,” she continues. “Everything that happens: Syria is at the top.” Mayor Mikkers responds to this with the words “That is not true, that is Morocco.”

The conversation was filmed and posted online. A day later, Mikkers apologized to the local Moroccan community.
