Call for help from Kiev’s maternity hospitals! “The baby milk is running out”

Things are becoming increasingly dangerous in Ukraine for the youngest victims of the war.

By By Jana Quoos

They holed up in the basement with babies and pregnant women. Now the maternity hospitals in the besieged cities of Ukraine are running out of basic necessities.

“We urgently need diapers and disinfectants,” BILD learned from a large maternity clinic in Kyiv. A particularly bad call for help: “Even the milk powder for the babies is slowly running out!”

According to estimates, there are still more than 300 newborns in the clinics in Kyiv alone! And the number is growing: hundreds of pregnant women who did not flee are currently being cared for in the maternity clinics.

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Most of them are expecting their babies in the coming days or weeks, who need urgent care.

In addition to milk powder, the maternity clinics need baby water, disinfectants and cleaning agents, paper towels and diapers.

The first targeted aid transports with baby food are on their way this week to make their difficult start in life a little easier for the children.
