California declares state of emergency over monkey pox | Abroad

As of Monday, 827 cases of monkey pox have been identified in California. That is the highest number in an American state after the 1390 infections in New York. The state of emergency makes it easier to free up money and resources to fight the virus.

About 25,000 shots have been taken so far. The demand for the vaccines is currently greater than the supply, reports news channel CNBC. Newsom said in a statement that his state is working closely with the federal government to replenish vaccine stocks as soon as possible.

California is the third state in the US after New York (Friday) and Illinois (earlier on Monday) to declare a state of emergency. Nearly 6,000 cases of monkey pox have been diagnosed in the US in 48 different states. The first case was reported in the city of Boston in May.

The Biden administration is currently considering whether to declare a national emergency.
