Calderaro and Associates Study: The importance of knowing and defending our Health Rights

How did the idea of ​​creating a Law Firm specialized in Health Law come about?

FB: In our case, the reasons that led us to form this work team were different. Personally, since my last daughter was born with a disability (she is autistic and suffers from a congenital malformation: Arnold Chiri Syndrome Type I with Syringohydromyelia), and faced with the refusal of our Welfare Projects to cover certain benefits that she needed, I took legal action against the same and that is how I entered, several years ago, in this field. Susana, who has always had a special sensitivity and a predisposition to defend causes of vulnerable people, delved into the defense of their health rights, which are usually violated due to economic issues, which underlie the excuses they provide.

According to the cases that come to your Studio, what are the most frequent problems faced by people who seek your advice?

SC: They invariably have to do with the violation, by a Social or Prepaid Project, of a contractual, legal, or constitutionally recognized right, in which membership problems, increases in prepaid fees, lack of benefit coverage are involved. or disability rehabilitation therapies, expensive or innovative treatments linked to common or rare diseases, such as oncology, those related to the implantation of a usually imported prosthesis, the treatment of diabetes, fertility, among many others.

What does the advice you provide consist of?

FB: Our advice, although it has a fundamentally legal nature, also tries to be comprehensive and addresses other issues that are not strictly those of raising defenses or articulating demands. We get involved in the case of each of our clients and also, within the network that we have woven, we try to help them find emotional and therapeutic support.

What is your hallmark? This makes clients defined by their advice and representation…

FB: It is not an easy question to answer, because it is difficult to talk about ourselves. What we can tell you is that our clients always emphasize and appreciate the fluid communication we maintain with each of them and the constant information we provide them at each stage of the process. Our superior premise is to listen to and resolve doubts that arise during the processing of the claim. Our treatment is personalized and we do not trust third parties or employees to direct the lawsuit. Fundamentally we emphasize achieving the best result in the shortest possible time.

Lastly, do you think there is a lack of knowledge, in general, among people regarding their health rights?

SC: We believe that there is a lack of knowledge and, fundamentally, misinformation. There is no true and efficient State or private policy that enlightens the population in general and those affected in particular, on issues related to the defense of health rights. The issue remains a pending matter. In some way, we try to make our small but important contribution, to spread more and better information on the subject, not only for the benefit of our clients, but also for all those who contact us through our social networks and interact with our contents, and who usually find themselves going through particular situations of vulnerability.

To contact Calderaro & Asociados, do so through Instagram at @derechoensalud_calderaro, or by calling or sending a WhatsApp to (11) 6497-9732.


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