calculate your court grades with this simulator

With the exams selectivity finished, the priority for the students is to know what is the admission note with which to qualify for a place in the college Y race desired. This qualification is obtained through the high school average and the results obtained in the mandatory phasein addition to the weights of each subject specific phase.

As long as the qualification resulting exceeds the cut-off mark established by each center for its degrees university, the student will ensure a vacant to study the desired career. You can then calculate your access score by following the instructions to use this simulator.

Usage guide

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The first step is to select the previous studies to carry out selectivity tests: Baccalaureate o Higher Level Training Cycle (CFGS). Once the corresponding box has been selected, indicate in the appropriate section, ‘high school grade’ either ‘CFGS note’what was the average grade of your proceedings.

Subsequently, regarding the examinations of selectivityenter the notes of the General Phase and the two results of the subjects of the Specific Phase. In this last point, it also specifies what is the weighing (0.1 either 0.2) assigned to each of them. Once you have completed these steps, you will be able to discover what your admission note.
