Calciomercato Juve, two different ideas: expensive experience or sustainable young people

The shared plan: a big player in the middle, a forward and young people from the U23. With sales and cuts in the amount of wages. But Allegri wants people ready immediately

Relying on players of name, class, age and experience to create the fastest of the “instant teams”, or have a more projected look to the future and the reconstruction of a cycle through younger profiles and more sustainable engagements? The choice of Juventus seemed to be directed in a decisive way towards the second hypothesis. The CEO Arrivabene, on a clear mandate from the owners and the president Andrea Agnelli, has often spoken since his arrival of the need to return to the top without losing sight of the budget, as has instead happened in the recent past. A project initially shared by everyone: managers and technician. After having anticipated the big hit of the market (Vlahovic) in January, Juventus’ plan envisaged a careful, intelligent and prudent market. Translated: the purchase of a great player in midfield, because it is in the median that the team seemed to need more reinforcements, and an attacking arrival to complete the department where at least two exits are planned, also knowing that Chiesa will return at the end. year and Kaio Jorge in January. To complete the picture a couple of other sales of players with heavy salaries to be replaced with young prospects, also taking advantage of the Juventus under 23 pool. In this key it was decided to give up players who are believed to have exhausted their cycle and with too expensive engagements, from Dybala to Morata. Max Allegri’s task then, with his experience, to find the amalgamation, enhance the talents and bring Juventus back to the top. A plan, however, which, after the trend of this season and the many criticisms that rained down on him, must have convinced the technician less and less since the director Cherubini, we imagine following his indications, presented three profiles already blocked on the club table: Pogba , on which there was a convergence of opinions, both technical and personal (29 years old, not very young but with many years of career ahead), both commercial and image. The surprise comes instead from the other two profiles, initially unexpected: Perisic (33 years old) and Di Maria (34). Over thirty and with very high salaries compared to the need to give a good scissor to the accounts. The last word obviously belongs to Andrea Agnelli who will have to decide whether to keep the initial project and aim straight at one big name (Pogba) or make a partial or total reverse by adding one or even both safe used items to the shopping cart. Possibility

which would be very welcome to Allegri, accustomed to managing already accomplished and reliable players.

Within the team there are those like Bonucci who highlighted the lack of experience of some teammates at various times of the season, even if the average Juventus age is anything but low. And the example of Milan, whose salary is less than half that of Juventus, shows that you can fight to win even with young people without trophies in the curriculum.

It would not be a scandal if the Juventus plans were to change during the race based on the opportunities of the market. In every society there are currents and often the synthesis between different positions can also be winning. But it is clear that the requests of the coach, supported by the director, are not exactly in line with the initial technical-financial plan. And to see Dybala leave, yesterday desperate in the last one in Juventus, at 28, for reasons of recruitment and then rely on players aged 33-34 would have a certain effect … Ball to Agnelli, therefore, to him the final decisions, after confrontation with its managers.
