Calciomercato Inter, from Alvarez to Alcaraz: names from South America

The Nerazzurri are keeping an eye on four jewels between Argentina and Uruguay. There is Lautaro’s heir, the new Suarez, Valverde’s twin and … Joya

Not only illustrious and high-sounding names, but also rough diamonds to bet on to burn the competition. Inter, which is preparing to experience a hot summer between budgetary needs and the desire to improve the squad available to Inzaghi to raise the famous bar, also looks to South America, which has always been a reservoir of budding talents. The Nerazzurri observers have targeted above all four, all of which have been constantly monitored over the last year. Among them is the heir of Lautaro, the new Suarez, the twin of Valverde and also the new Joya of Argentine football.
