Cairo raises: “I want to create a strong Taurus and make Juric happy”

The president is calm: “The transfer market is difficult, but we are working. Lazaro has arrived and Inter paid 22 million: he will have great potential. I’m sorry I haven’t given Juric what I wanted yet.”

From our correspondent Mario Pagliara

August 4th

“I am going to make a strong Taurus that is up to par, as happened last year.” The semifinal of the Mum and Dad Cairo trophy between Turin and Milan ended a few minutes ago, when President Urbano Cairo served a rich menu to reporters who arrived in the Alexandrian countryside. We talk about the market, strategies, objectives. And then of Juric and of the season that will start tomorrow with the debut in the 32nd of the Italian Cup against Palermo. President Cairo spans across the board, the main course is of course the market and this is where we start. “My intention is to make a strong team, I am very confident that we will succeed and we are all very active for this to happen – explains Cairo -. Of course, I would have liked to do it sooner but unfortunately the times have lengthened. We will do the things that need to be done ”.

Market agenda

The Taurus has clear ideas on where to intervene. “In the meantime, Radonjic has arrived, we bought Pellegri and Ricci, Bayeye is a young man who has potential – explains Cairo -. Lazaro has arrived and Inter paid 22 million, so he will certainly have great potential. Surely there is a central defensive missing, as we have sold Bremer, and a midfielder but here we have things that are being born. Then there is at least one attacking midfielder, but let’s see … because if there are opportunities we will be ready to seize them. Last year, on the last day, we did three quality things (Brekalo, Praet and Zima, ed). I agree with Mr. Juric when he says that things don’t get done on the last day: he’s totally right. But this is the market, it’s strange and it’s very complicated. But we are here to do well and we will make the team ”.

President Cairo never mentions the name of Miranchuk, but it is clear that he refers to him when he says: “Unfortunately football is particular: when it seems that you have closed a player, when you have also exchanged forms, suddenly something happens .. . But, let’s see, let’s try to fix this too ”. In these hours he filters optimism that the deal for Miranchuk can be unlocked at any moment. An operation that is about to go through is the one for the Turkish midfielder Emirhan İlkhan. Today he will have medical examinations: “he is a player of great quality, but until there are signatures we do not say anything”.


When it comes to the Juric argument it is almost impossible not to restart from the tension experienced in retreat between the coach and Vagnati: “Football is a world in which emotions are raised to power – reflects Cairo -. When you have people like our coach and our technical director who want to do well, who are determined and focused, then it can happen. Now everything is back, the important thing is to be a team and do it well ”. On Juric he stresses that he is “a great coach, of a very high level, he rightly asks to have reinforcements as soon as possible. It is not that Vagnati does not want to give them to him or I do not want to, it is a question of combining a very just need for him with the possibility of doing so in relation to a very complicated market “. And then he reveals: “I would really like to please a manager like Juric. Today my regret is that, for previous reasons and due to a difficult market, I have not yet been able to give him what I wanted. This is the biggest regret I have, but I am very confident. We are working to make things happen and to happen quickly ”.

Sustainable bull

The topic of sustainability is vital for the club. “We intend to invest and make a strong team, but in a football that must also be sustainable from an economic point of view. An unsustainable football doesn’t go far. From 2013 to 2018, Torino combined good sporting results with good budgets, then a few steps longer than the leg I took and the subsequent crisis caused by the pandemic led to bad economic situations ». Before saying goodbye, he invites the team to “start well in the Italian Cup. Last year we saw a good Toro, we are on track to make a competitive team again ”.
