Caicedo, what a joke: he loses the case against Genoa and is now without a team

The attacker asked to enforce the renewal of the contract until 2024, but the Arbitration Board found him wrong, not having correctly exercised the right of option. For the Griffin a relief, as the player earned over two million net per season

Goodbye Caicedo, and without regrets. The Arbitration Board rejected the appeal, brought by the player Felipe Caicedo against Genoa, aimed at extending his agreement with the rossoblu club until 30 June 2024. And, therefore, from 1 July last the attacker is released, thus avoiding Genoa to find an (onerous) agreement for the termination of the contract.


The Ecuadorian striker, on 20 April last, had sued the Ligurian club, asking that “the validity of the contractual option right be recognized for a further two years, starting from 1 July 2022 and that the company be ordered to pay compensation of the damage “. Genoa, defended by lawyer Mattia Grassani, instead demonstrated “how the player had not correctly exercised the option right and, consequently, that the contract had not been renewed for the two-year period 2022-2024. In conclusion, both of the striker’s requests were rejected by the Arbitration Board, with recognition of the full correctness of the behavior of Genoa CFC in the matter in question “. In short, a sort of own-goal on a legal level that has cornered Caicedo. A season, the past one, for him to be completely forgotten also in terms of football: only one game as a starter with the Grifone (and 9 appearances in total, for just 279 ‘on the field, with one goal) and then 21 minutes total played with the ‘Inter in the second round, in just three appearances, all as a bench. All this, in the face of a very onerous contract, of around two million net per year.
