Cabinet wants 50,000 places for refugees in Ukraine: also in empty buildings with emergency beds Inland

This is apparent from a letter from Minister Yesilgöz (Justice and Security). “Locations have already been taken into use in Amsterdam, Zaanstreek-Waterland, the Groningen region, Haaglanden, Eindhoven, Gorinchem and Harskamp and locations are still being realized in other municipalities.” As a result, approximately 2,000 reception places are arranged. These are already partly filled, according to Yesilgöz. “Almost 1,400 refugees from Ukraine now use the reception locations set up by municipalities and security regions.”

But that is not enough, and that is why more shelters must be created soon. “The security regions will coordinate the realization, together with municipalities, of reception locations for at least 1,000 refugees from Ukraine per region within two weeks,” says Yesilgöz. Then, in a third phase, the same number must be achieved.


“In this way, a total of approximately 50,000 reception places for Ukrainians will become available in the coming period,” says the minister. “Together with the municipalities and security regions involved, a Information Center for Ukraine is also being set up, so that refugees from Ukraine who come forward can see which reception places are available and which can shape the distribution of reception across the regions.”

Substantial costs will be incurred by municipalities and security regions, which will be reimbursed by the cabinet. “Further agreements will be made about the method of compensation.”

State Secretary Van der Burg (Justice) says that there will be daily consultations about reception. He warns that there is more to it than just a necessary number of beds. “When it comes to shelter, we are now thinking of crisis emergency shelter, but people from Ukraine also have a right to education – many children come with them – and to care.”

Forcing the municipality to receive refugees is not necessary, according to Van der Burg. “We are not trying to force, we see that municipalities and the population are eager to help. We have to make sure we can accommodate people now.” According to the state secretary, 1,700 places were still available this week, but more should be added soon. “It’s all hands on deck.”
