Cabinet takes new steps in rural area tasking | News item

News item | 10-02-2023 | 3:00 PM

The government is taking new steps in the task of reducing nitrogen and greenhouse gas emissions, including to restore the vulnerable nature in the Netherlands. We first look at the companies that emit the most. In order to achieve a new balance between nature and the economy, Minister Van der Wal for Nature and Nitrogen announced on 25 November 2018 an approach for the so-called agricultural and industrial peak loaders. This approach is further elaborated in a letter to the House of Representatives. The government is also specifying the nitrogen targets for other sectors and the climate target for the agricultural sector in order to give direction to the area programs that the provinces are currently working on.

Follow-up process peak loaders

The state of nature, the pressing situation of PAS detectors, and the importance of urgent social developments mean that the cabinet has decided to enter into discussions with 3,000 peak loaders – both agricultural and industrial companies – to reduce nitrogen emissions very substantially in 2023. reduce. These companies will be given the opportunity to significantly reduce nitrogen emissions by making their operations more sustainable, relocating or stopping them. Because this has a major impact on entrepreneurs, they are supported in making their choice, including a website, personal advice and the most financially attractive schemes. These will be further elaborated in the coming period and coordinated with provinces and municipalities, the sectors involved and the European Commission.

In the coming weeks, the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) will design regulations and train people – in close coordination with provinces and municipalities – who can guide farmers and companies in making the most appropriate choices for them. The approach will start in April. With the help of a website, companies can get a good indication of whether they belong to the group of entrepreneurs that cause the most nitrogen precipitation and which schemes they can use. Entrepreneurs who wish to do so will also be given the opportunity to talk to the government and to engage a business adviser. In this way we do justice to the interests of the people, the entrepreneurs, who are asked to make a choice more quickly.

In order to achieve a wide range and substantial reduction, the cabinet is making efforts to reduce nitrogen precipitation in the Netherlands by approximately 100 mol per hectare per year. This effort obligation is an addition to the existing efforts and can help to fulfill the task in the various area processes. With this extra commitment to nature, space will also become available more quickly for the PAS notifiers, the companies that have run into major problems due to inadequate government policy. To help them where necessary, the decree establishing the claims desk was also signed today.


The approach to peak loaders also gives an impulse to the broader transition of the rural area, for which the area-oriented programs that the provinces are now developing from the National Program for Rural Areas (NPLG) are of great importance. In this programme, the tasks in the field of nature, nitrogen, water and climate and the transition of agriculture are tackled together. The approach differs per area, because one area is not the other. Together with the Agricultural Agreement – ​​the aim is to conclude this in April – the area-oriented approach should lead to a healthy rural area with prospects for agriculture. The agreements in the Agricultural Agreement on the future of the agricultural sector must, where applicable, fit in with the objectives of the NPLG.

Proportional contribution from agriculture, industry and mobility

In June 2022, the cabinet announced the indicative nitrogen reduction targets for ammonia (NH3). Achieving that target requires a substantial reduction of NH3 emissions by the agricultural sector by 41%. The government believes it is important that all sectors make a proportionate contribution to solving the nitrogen problem. And is therefore now also coming up with reduction targets for nitrogen oxides (NOx) for the mobility sector and the industry and energy sector. These sector targets mean a 25% reduction in NOx emissions for the mobility sector and a 38% reduction in NOx emissions for the industry and energy sector in 2030 compared to 2019. In doing so, we looked at how reduction in sectors would be as effective as possible. can possibly contribute to nature and the tasking for clean air and the climate target are also examined for each sector.


The national climate target for all sectors is 55% less greenhouse gas emissions in 2030, compared to 1990. The national target for livestock farming is 5 Mton greenhouse gas reduction in 2030, as presented in the coalition agreement. The government is making a proposal for the distribution of the climate tasking per province. This helps provinces draw up area programs with a mix of national and provincial measures to achieve the targets in the areas of nitrogen, nature, water and climate. With all area programs together, the government can assess whether the national climate tasking and methane reduction are being achieved.

Consultation bill and exploration Critical Deposition Value

Based on the coalition agreement and Mr Remkes’ advice, the cabinet is working on a law that will accelerate the target for nitrogen reduction from 2035 to 2030 and extend the permit requirement for internal net metering and other nitrogen-related changes. The years 2025 and 2028 serve as benchmarks, among other things to see whether, for compelling substantive reasons, more time is needed to achieve the goals. The bill will be available for consultation from early next week.

In addition, in accordance with Mr Remkes’ advice, work is being done with sector parties and nature organizations on an exploration of alternatives to the Critical Deposition Value (KDW). The CDW is the limit above which there is a risk that the quality of a habitat for plants and animals will be significantly affected by nitrogen deposition. The aim is to investigate whether a legally tenable alternative system for the CDW as an environmental value can be found in law, in which the state of nature is better expressed in this value.
