Cabinet takes control of five new energy infrastructure projects | News item

News item | 02-12-2022 | 3:15 pm

The cabinet is taking the lead in five new energy projects of national importance. The new projects mainly focus on the landing of electricity from offshore wind farms and the further development of the infrastructure for hydrogen. This brings the total number of projects within the Multi-year Infrastructure Energy and Climate Program (MIEK) to 14 projects.

The MIEK includes projects that are important for the future energy infrastructure. The five new projects in the MIEK concern the landings of Wind op Zee projects (with which electricity from offshore wind farms is fed into the onshore electricity grid), terminals in the North Sea Canal area and Rotterdam-Moerdijk for the import and transit of hydrogen, the H -vision project for the production of hydrogen from residual gases and the Aramis project for the necessary infrastructure for the transport of CO2 to storage locations under the North Sea. The 14 projects in the MIEK are therefore also important for achieving the climate goals.

Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy: “Good progress is being made with the major energy projects that are crucial for the energy transition. For example, with faster reinforcement of the electricity grid, but also the hydrogen pipelines to Germany and the national transport network for hydrogen. It is also important for our climate goals that these major energy infrastructure projects are completed on time. With this infrastructure, an emission reduction of 38 megatons will be possible in 2030 compared to 2021. It is good to see that these projects are progressing according to plan despite the complex circumstances such as the nitrogen space and spatial integration.”

The central government, in collaboration with all parties, is in charge by placing bottlenecks on the agenda and removing bottlenecks, sharing knowledge and supporting timely decisions about ownership, financing and spatial integration, among other things. The projects within the MIEK originate from the energy strategies of the six Dutch industrial clusters. In order to link supply and demand more and more, work will be done in the coming year on the further expansion of the MIEK. For example, in the spring of 2023, each province will deliver a provincial MIEK with projects of a regional scale. In addition to projects for industry, this also maps out the demand for energy, raw materials and the necessary infrastructure for the mobility, built environment and agriculture sectors.

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Major energy projects

Major energy projects from the Multi-year Infrastructure Energy and Climate Programme.
