Cabinet sets up Committee ‘Standing on Corona’ | news item

News item | 18-03-2022 | 15:30

The cabinet recently decided to set up the ‘Standing about corona’ Committee. The purpose of the committee is to consider how we can reflect on the consequences that the corona crisis has had on society. On the proposal of State Secretary Van Ooijen of Health, Welfare and Sport, the Council of Ministers has approved the establishment of the committee.

State Secretary Van Ooijen:

The last corona measures will be lifted this month. The impact of the corona crisis is enormous and continues to this day. For many there is now room for recovery, but we must also reflect on the silent suffering of many Dutch people. I think it is important that the committee has a broad composition with expertise and knowledge from all parts of society.

Impact corona crisis

It is important that the corona crisis is considered, because of the major impact it has had on society. For example, there must be room to reflect on the loss of loved ones or the consequences that companies or festivities have experienced. Due to the lockdown and restrictions in social contact moments, all Dutch people have had to deal with corona. Healthcare staff, teachers, carers and volunteers have had to help on all fronts.

Processing, reflecting and looking ahead is what the committee will give substance to. The aim is that the people in society who need it feel heard. One of the activities developed by the committee is a national commemoration. The committee will set a date at a later date and announce the content of this. The committee also plays a role in coordinating and promoting coordination of local commemorative events.

Committee members

The committee consists of a chairman and a maximum of 14 members from different sectors. They all sit in a personal capacity. The chairman is Arno Brok, the King’s Commissioner in the Province of Fryslân. The installed members are:

  • Chairman: Arno Brok (King’s Commissioner in the province of Fryslân)
  • Municipalities: Hubert Bruls (Mayor of Nijmegen)
  • Healthcare Board: David Jongen (Chairman of the Zuyderland hospital board)
  • Care Executive: Sanna Elkadiri (ambassador / first vaccinated)
  • Caribbean Netherlands: Edison Rijna (Authority Holder Bonaire)
  • Media: Jan Slagter (broadcaster MAX)
  • Religious organisations: Evelijne Swinkels Braaksma (theologian)
  • Young people: Samia Boukhizzou (board member youth organization vocational education)
  • Culture: Jeroen Bartelse (director Tivoli Vredenburg and former member of the Council of Culture)
  • Sport: Chantalle Zijderveld (paralympic athlete)
  • Public health care: tb
