Cabinet sends response to the House of Representatives to the Ruys Committee report | News item

News item | 17-10-2023 | 16:29

Today the government sent a letter to the House of Representatives with a response to the findings and conclusions of the report ‘Reconstruction and analysis of the evacuation from Kabul in August 2021’ sent by the Ruys committee.

The government endorses the painful lessons that need to be learned. In addition, the hardships that those involved had to endure to keep themselves and loved ones safe have deeply affected the government.

The government underlines the conclusion that enormous efforts have been made day and night by the employees in Kabul (and at other posts), the Dutch soldiers on site and the many involved employees at the ministries in The Hague. There is great appreciation and respect for the efforts of everyone who worked during and after the evacuation.

During the presentation on October 6 last, the cabinet had already announced that it recognized and embraced the four main conclusions of the committee. The report makes an important contribution to the functioning and strengthening of the crisis organization and crisis approach of the ministries involved.

The ministers further write in their letter that they are aware that the report may evoke painful memories for everyone involved in the evacuation from Kabul, but also for the veterans who have served for the Netherlands in Afghanistan over the past 20 years.

In the letter, the government provides an explanation for each main conclusion and will inform the House of Representatives in six months about the follow-up to the actions.
