Cabinet response to social minimum committee | News item

News item | 10-10-2023 | 18:37

The government endorses the conclusion of the Social Minimum Committee that achieving social security for people is of great importance and that there are still important steps to be taken towards social security for everyone in the Netherlands. Certain proposals require fundamental consideration and are therefore up to a new cabinet.

Minister Schouten for Poverty Policy, Participation and Pensions and Minister Van Gennip of Social Affairs and Employment wrote this in a letter to the House of Representatives. In the letter, both ministers discuss the various recommendations of the committee.

The social minimum committee has been asked by the cabinet to re-examine the level of the social minimum and the income support system. The government believes it is important that the social minimum is reassessed every four years to determine whether it is sufficient to live on and participate in society. The first partial report was published before the summer and focused mainly on height. The second report was published on September 28 and concerns the design of the system.

In the letter, the two ministers indicate that many recommendations are in line with the plans that the cabinet is working on. For example, next year, partly in response to the committee’s first report, the rental allowance and the child budget will be structurally increased. The committee recommends paying attention to children living in poverty and also providing practical help. For example, through free school meals, which the government will continue next year.

The government is also working on adjustments to the system. For example, the adjustment of the participation law, such as a broader additional income limit for people on social assistance. And the bills for labor market reforms to strengthen the security of workers. For example, there will be basic contracts with a minimum number of hours, so that workers know where they stand in terms of income and schedule.
