Cabinet looks at options for ‘integration’ Ukrainians | Inland

The minister wrote this in response to parliamentary questions from the VVD. That party asks what the cabinet wants to organize around ‘language, work and possibly unburdening’ for refugees from the east. They do not have to integrate, because in principle they only stay here temporarily. But the cabinet does want to organize something for the Ukrainians. Van Gennip is looking at what options there are to offer them ‘language education and social orientation’.

She does this together with education minister Wiersma, among others. They work on places ‘where adults can go for language education, combined with practical lessons that show them the way in our society’. Children have been working on education for some time before they are here.

And the cabinet is also thinking about an ‘additional offer for language and work’ if the Ukrainians have to stay here longer. But Van Gennip cannot yet say what that should look like. That depends, among other things, on the size of the group and what residence status they receive.
